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Complete the registration below.  Once submitted the application will be reviewed by our Board, once approved an invoice will be issued and the invoice must be paid in full for membership to be activated. 

Please note that the Avatar will be used as part of our Featured Members section
so we recommend uploading a company logo.

Must be a member in good standing with AFSA National in order to become a member of the So Cal Chapter

What are the membership levels?
Associate Member - This level is for Manufactures, vendors etc. 
Contractor Members - This level is for C16 licensed Contractors.
Student - This level is for students registering for educational courses.  There is an annual fee of $25.00 for student membership, this fee covers annual administrative costs for tracking and documentation of credits earned.  

What do the membership fees cover?
The membership fees support the chapter by allowing us to cover costs for legislative work as well as provide meetings and events for our members.  The fee also covers the attendance for 1 person for each of the 4 quarterly meetings. 

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